University of Minnesota – Weaver Densford School of Pharmacy Classroom

Overall Project Size: 
2,735 Square Feet

University of Minnesota

BWBR Architects, Inc.

Loeffler Role: 
Performed General Construction

Project Spec Sheet:

UMN Weaver Densford School of Pharmacy (739 KB)

This project included renovations to an existing 2,735 SF auditorium in Weaver Densford Hall – Room 7-135. The room was modified to accommodate the pedagogy of active learning, with technology displays and inputs/controls available at each of thirteen (13) small group workstations. The room has full ‘Interactive Television’ (ITV) capability for connecting to an existing classroom on the University of Minnesota – Duluth Campus, including cameras and microphones to allow close-up views from each classroom of students. Other project components included new architectural finishes, sound control barriers, HVAC distribution and equipment, and new lighting.